Graduation Elation

Going to university is arduous, it’s one of the biggest life events that can shape your future. It’s years of toil, of pressure, of impending deadlines, headaches and nights spent hunched over a screen. But by Jove, when you’re finished it’s one of the most rewarding and satisfying journeys you have undertaken so far in the vastness that is life. In the three or four years you spent studying you have learnt your limits, you have learnt how to overcome those limits and you can proudly say “I have done it!”. That’s how it was for me anyway.

I went to university a little bit later than most people, at age 18 I didn’t really know what to do with myself, let alone what to study. So I took an academic break and dived into the world of employment. I challenged myself on the battlefield that is retail, overcoming social anxiety, sexism and other perils. And in this process, I learnt what I wanted to do. I wanted to study English Literature. I have loved books all my life, and I had flirted with the idea of being a writer or working in Advertising for quite some time. So English Literature seemed like a good subject to go for. I then decided at the age of 23 to enrol at The Open University to study English Literature, I chose the OU because it would give me the opportunity to study and work at the same time.

Fast forward three years, I have graduated amidst a global pandemic with a First-Class Honours in English Literature! I think I may have doubted myself every step of the way but I actually accomplished what I originally aimed for which I am so happy about, I am literally filled with elation right now…


So what’s next?

I have no idea, the job market is absolutely screwed, and we are in the midst of the biggest recession since well ever, maybe…just great! But that’s not really something to worry about, most wounds heal eventually, and everybody is in the same place. I’ll just have a bit of a harder time finding a job and maybe in the process I’ll become more resilient and resourceful which is never a bad thing. So here’s to the future, may it be full of intrigue, challenges and joy!