Take a Breather - Ujjayi Breathing

So so so many of us get swept up in our everyday lives that we forget to slow down and relax, whether it’s rushing around at work, having a hectic home chasing after kids or maybe both!

One way to unwind and relax is to practise conscious breathing. Simple, yes, but how many of you can actually say that you are aware that you are breathing (apart from the obvious fact that you are alive), it’s probably the most basic of functions that everyone does without realising that they are doing it. One simple method of conscious breathing is Ujjayi which is normally practised during yoga. But you can’t really bust out the warrior pose in a morning meeting at work now can you so just take that breathing practise and leave the physical poses for another time.

It has been said that Ujjayi breathing is calming and energising at the same time so its ideal for us stressed out millennials because at the end of the day everyone needs to chill out to then be able to go out and smash their goals, otherwise its quite easy to fall victim to a burnout if your putting to much pressure on yourself and not giving yourself time to unwind. Also as Ujjayi breathing so simple its really easy to incorporate into your daily life to help you become a happier, healthier and calmer you.

If you need a little help getting to grips with Ujjayi Breathing then take a look at this video: