2021 Mood + Goals

Last year was strange, boring, scary and in some ways affirming. I had hoped 2020 would be a big year for me, new year new decade and all. However, that was obviously not the case. But like in any bad situations there are lessons to be learned. So maybe 2020 can be the year I learnt and 2021 can be the year I live according to what I have learnt.

My 2021 Mood

I will listen to music that brings me joy, watch movies that inspire me. Look after my mental health and talk to someone if I feel myself slipping again. I will make art, if that’s writing a short story, painting my feelings on a canvas, recording a short film, I will just go with the flow. I won’t lose hope. I will work towards a career I’m passionate about. I will in the words of Jack Kerouac in On the Road “burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars”, because why settle for anything less?

My 2021 Goals

  • Achieve fluency in French - Recently I’ve avoided learning French as I kind of plateaued and I was just finding it so frustrating. But rather than just give up I’m going to work harder. This will be the year that I become fluent, no excuses.

  • Double my blog traffic - 2020 has been a great year for my blog and I can’t wait to take it even further.

  • Read 52 books - One book a week is a manageable goal (I think?)

  • Be more sustainable

  • Declutter - Get rid of physical and mental clutter.

  • Be creative

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Goals for the New Year and Beyond

Today is January 1st 2020. It’s a new year and a whole new decade. I think this is something every single person on the face of the planet is aware of right now. Well maybe nearly every single person, there have probably already been so many new lives bought into the world today…what a magnificent thought. I digress.

As per tradition resolutions are made (and swiftly broken) so in the spirit of the season, I have 10 goals I want to work towards this year and for the rest of the decade and maybe even further after that depending on how fast I am at achieving them!

My Goals for the New Year and Beyond:

  1. Finish your degree with the best grade possible (for you)

  2. Travel more, see all the wonders this world has to offer you.

  3. Become Trilingual or maybe even a Polyglot - that means practising French & Korean every day without fail! And you’ll add Japanese and/or German to that mix if you decide you are ready to learn more languages.

  4. Become a minimalist - Zen Buddhism has helped you to become a much better person since you became fascinated by it back in 2009 but you still put too much desire and focus on material possessions, in this year and the years to follow you will change this.

  5. Become better at Photography and Cinematography - Get out into the world more and capture photos and videos of what you see and experience.

  6. Cherise the small moment in life - All those tiny moments add up to make your life, so have gratitude and love for the smallest of things that happen to you.

  7. Say ‘Yes’ more - It’s about time you overcome your anxieties, especially social ones…and as clichéd as it sounds ‘The magic happens outside of your comfort zone’ is very true.

  8. Create more - Write a book, paint a portrait, dance before the setting sun - you are a creative being as that is what gives you the most joy, so take the time and take risks to create.

  9. Find love - Deep down inside you’re a romantic, you always have been, but you hid it deep within yourself as you worried that it made you silly, pathetic even. And well, you're quite sensitive, so the idea of rejection has kept your heart closed off for far too long…so its time to seek the possibility of love.

  10. Do more for the Planet - You can always do more to preserve this beautiful planet as it is the only home we have!

What goals will you set yourself for this New Year and beyond?