Moving: Thoughts on starting anew

There’s something quite profound about packing up your life. All the little things that you have collected over the years add up to make you. Are you the sum of your things? The clothes that adorn your body, the ornaments that bring you joy, the investments you made to make your life easier or to give you peace of mind…

I always say that I’m not really a sentimental person (and I still stand by that) but when you’ve lived in one area your whole life it’s a strange moment when you realise that you will soon call somewhere else home…

Maybe if I can move out of my comfort zone (my hometown) then I can move anywhere. That is a thought that has crossed my mind a lot recently. And to be honest that has always been my dream, to live in some far off place where they don’t speak your language and the customs differ absolutely. Maybe, this move reaffirms that I can make that a reality…

I’ve always felt that I don’t belong anywhere (I’m yet to make up my mind whether that is a rather sad or quite a beautiful sentiment) so maybe sometime soon I’ll find where the me shaped jigsaw puzzle piece will slot in…

Maybe it’s my time to bloom again…

There is a verse in this song that really sums up the strangeness of moving,

저 하나둘씩 사라져
가는 나의 흔적들이
텅 빈 집이 어색해
그 따뜻했던 우리집

One by one
Traces of me are disappearing
The empty house looks awkward
My house that was so warm