August Wrap Up: Books & Movies

So I watched more than 30 movies in August, in my defence some were short films so… but tbh I had a blast so I don’t really need to excuse myself. Cinema is one of my biggest passions and from time to time I’ll get completely consumed by it and thats kind of what happened this past month.

Find out what films and books I read in August:

August tbr

In the attempt to find myself basking in the glory of finishing several books by the end of a month I have set myself the colossal task of reading 5 books in August. Watch the video to find out what books I’ll be tackling throughout the rest of this month.

Let me know what books you are reading this month in the comments section!

Book Club: July is Good Omens

"‘Let’s start the book club again,’ Cate said for the fourth time with a knowing smile on her face.

Yes I am rebooting the Book Club because I need to force Charlotte (my sister who I used to share this blog with) to read as she only picks up a book once in a blue moon. So it goes without saying, I need to save her from the bookless life she is currently living! So each month we will pick a book to read and you can read along with us, on the first Sunday of each month we will then make a video about the past months book where we discuss what we think of it and you can join in with the discussion too!

Yay, sounds like fun? Stay tuned for the book reveal which has technically already been revealed in the title of this blog post.

This month we are reading…Good Omens!