
I always love the light of a summer evening; it makes everything romantic.

Two pigeons sit perched upon a telephone line, nuzzling each other like time-wearied lovers, nipping at feathers out of place.

The clack, clack of tennis balls against rackets and the pumped-up gusto of players defying the heat to lunge for each strike.

Tall grass swaying in a gentle breeze, and the last rays of the sun yawning through gaps in the canopies of plush trees.

I feel euphoric and unencumbered when the days stretch far into the night. There is an enchantment to summer, and I am very much under her control, I just wish these days weren’t numbered and that the balmy giddiness could last forever.

Urban Outfitters Summer Wish List

Urban Outfitters is one of my favourite fashion stores, and I often find myself browsing on the website or around a physical shop for far too long amassing a colossal wish list that would make me literally bankrupt (oh the woes of a student who works in retail, and has a blog thats not popular enough to bankroll my fashion obsession)

So let’s get wishing…


Click on the pictures to see the items on the UO Website






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