May Books

Sorry for the lateness of this monthly book summary. But it’s here never the less, I did try and finish Dune (50 pages remained) for the end of May for the book club I made with my sister but to be honest, it was far too dense to finish in time and I’m thinking that maybe a book club isn’t for me after all. My reasoning is that I like spontaneity where I can get it and deciding that I must read a certain book in order to review it at the end of the month actually makes me less enthused to read it. Maybe I’m weird? Who knows…anyway here are the books I finished in May.

Winter in Sokcho (Hiver à Sokcho) by Elisa Shua Dusapin

This first novel by French-Korean writer Dusapin is a poetic and atmospheric account of an encounter between a young woman who feels trapped in her life, she has her mother who she can’t leave and a boyfriend she no longer loves and a French comic artist. There is a quiet intensity between them and Dusapin cleverly leaves us wondering as this small novel closes ambiguously.

Persuasion by Jane Austen

My final Uni read (cries in Shakespearean) I can’t believe I’ve done it, my degree is finished and I am now a graduate! Ok back to dear old Austen, well I found this one to be quite a bore if I’m perfectly honest. I know its her ‘most mature’ work but I just expected more, not much happened and I found Pride and Prejudice to be far more entertaining even though I have watched the Keira Knightley movie 100 times and know exactly how the story goes. I am hoping that my next Austen read (I’m thinking Emma) will be a much more enjoyable affair.

Find Me by André Aciman

Oh, I don’t really know where to start with this one. Find Me as a sequel to Call Me By Your Name is such a disappointment. I absolutely loved the relationship between Elio and Oliver and for it to not really even feature in this book until right at the end was quite the letdown. To be honest, I couldn’t really care less about Elio’s father and his weird encounter with a random woman, and that’s what most of the book was taken up with!