Happy National Tea Day

Tea. It’s consumed all around the world. In Britain alone, we consumed over 60 billion cups of tea in 2016. Wow, that’s quite a lot of tea! So it’s no surprise that we have a National Tea Day to commemorate our unwavering love for the humble cup of tea.


Personally, when it comes to tea I absolutely hate black tea and milk! Which is something that has always been to the confusion of my parents who sip on the stuff all day long, especially my Mum who thinks I’m totally strange for loving floral teas that smell too much like perfume than something you should actually consume 😂

5 Little Tea Facts:

  • The first records of tea are way back in 59BCE in China – but It’s most likely that there had been  tea drinking even earlier than that.

  • It wasn’t until the 17th Century that Britons drank tea recreationally!

  • Japanese Tea Ceremonies (茶の湯) use Matcha (抹茶) which is a powdered Green tea. The ceremony is very much a process inspired by Zen Buddhism and is something of an art form.

Turkey is the biggest tea drinking country in the world with the average person consuming 7 pounds (3.17 kg) each year. [Source]

  • While Green Tea is better for you than Black Tea, White Tea is better for you than Green Tea! – it’s less processed.

Check Out These Links:

Shinya Sakurai, Tea Ceremony Meets Mixology

National Tea Day Website – Tips for celebrating NTD

East India Company Website – Ironically not the same company as the one in BBC’s Taboo  even though it shares its name and logo!