Autumn Tag

As I love this season so much I thought I would do this Autumn Tag created by Jennily.

1. Hot Chocolate – what is your comfort book?

Um, I’m not too sure about this as most of the books I read aren’t exactly comforting! An obvious choice would be Harry Potter but I can’t really choose those books as I’m still making my way through the series for the first time. But I guess maybe something like Pride and Prejudice, who doesn’t love a good romance and a happy ending?

2. Pumpkin Carving – what is your favourite creative outlet?

I love writing and taking photos. I also kind of love and hate painting, it’s a strained relationship mainly because my skill is completely lacking. I’m like the artist in Disney’s Hercules

Hercules Artist .gif

3. Falling Leaves – changes that appear bad but you secretly love?

I love the transience of life, so I am always welcoming changes and new beginnings. But perhaps the most recent change was moving to the countryside. I thought I was going to be bored and stuck in the middle of nowhere. I kinda am but because of COVID, I have come to appreciate how lucky I am with all this open space around me and how safe it is here!

4. Pumpkin Spiced Latte – something you love that others tend to judge

Art house films, most people I know think they are boring and super pretentious. And don’t get me started on non-English art house films. I just don’t get peoples aversion to subtitles!

 5. Bonfire Night – what makes you explode with joy?

Travelling, I feel so utterly and completely euphoric when I visit a new place or new country. There is just something so beautiful about it. I can’t wait to be able to start doing this again! Other things include watching an amazing film, reading a brilliant book or visiting galleries and museums.

6. Fright Night – favourite scary book or film

I’ve never read a horror book and I’m not a massive horror film fan. But, I have been trying to get into them recently and I must say that I have rather enjoyed Peter Strickland’s Berberian Sound Studio and In Fabric. But maybe the best horror film I’ve seen is Midsommar (what a ride!).

7. Halloween candy – favourite thing to eat

At the moment it’s all about Apples! Apple cake, apple pie, apple crumble, cinnamon apple porridge.

8. Scarves – your autumn ‘must-have’ accessory

Knitted Jumpers, tights, boots, blazers, scarves. And maybe a few great books, right now I’m looking forward to reading Under the Jaguar Sun a short story collection by Italo Calvino, The Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson and some Dostoevsky by way of Crime and Punishment. Oh, and of course all the books in my Autumn Reading List too.


9. Fire – a book or film that burns your soul

Could it be anything other than Portrait of a Lady on Fire? And maybe In the Mood for Love. I’m clearly into unfulfilled love affairs. What on earth does that say about me. In terms of books maybe Angela Carter’s writing, she is a magician with words and I love how flowery her prose is.

10. Toffee apples – a book or film that seems one thing but really has a different inside

Korean movies in general. Um, maybe 2001: A Space Odyssey, it could be seen as just a science fiction film but really it’s an epic story of human ambition. Lars von Trier’s Nymphomaniac, it’s a clever and funny character study of a sex addict, but most people think it’s just gratuitous.

I tag everyone!