Cate Crafter

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Finding the Right Pair

So I went to the Opticians recently…and well it had been a while, the last time I remember going was when I was a child hahaha. And guess what? I apparently have an astigmatism (one eye is the shape of a rugby ball or something like that) and one eye is higher than the other (ooh what a catch). And what does all this mean? Yes, I need glasses.

I then made it my mission to go glasses shopping, of course, Charlotte and I had to call in on all our usual shops like Topshop, Waterstones et cetera, so the actual amount of glasses shopping we actually did was quite minimal. But I quickly came to 2 conclusions, 1 I look really nerdy in glasses and 2 why are they all so freaking expensive? (I naturally gravitate towards luxury aka designer brands, Hello Chanel and Gucci!).

Enter Ace & Tate, I found this brand while scrolling through Instagram, and given my current predicament, I was rather curious. Ace & Tate are based in the Netherlands and have a range of cool modern glasses (and sunglasses) that are a fraction of the price of most glasses you can get from your local opticians! And what is also fantastic is that you can pick 4 frames to try on at home free of charge. Here are my picks…

Neil in Satin Gold

Pierce in Fizz

Morris in Fizz

Jay in Satin Gold

And here is how they look on…

I think the whole idea of a at-home-try-on is such a good idea as you can ask friends and family for their opinions, you don’t feel as self-conscious as you would in a shop trying them on and the lighting isn’t as harsh either! Also, you can bust out a few selfies for good measure!

After some deliberating, I think the pair I’m going to order is no.1 Neil in Satin Gold. So the next step is to send back these try-on frames and place my order 

Thanks Ace & Tate for making this process a little easier (and for not breaking the bank either!)