Winter Playlist

I literally can’t go a day without music, especially at the moment being cooped up indoors indefinitely. This playlist is full of songs that have been bringing me joy for the last couple months, from dancing in the kitchen while cooking to 2am writing sessions so I thought I would share them with you just in case they can do the same.

Autumn Playlist

New season, new playlist. As always in Autumn I like to listen to mellower and dare I say melancholy music as it just fits with the vibe of Autumn. I can’t wait to walk through farmers fields breathing in the crisp morning air (hopefully minus the smell of cow excrement) listening to this playlist.


Summer Playlist - Summertime Magic

Named after Childish Gambino’s song Summertime Magic, this playlist is me trying to capture the essence of Summer while the world is still firmly in the clutches of a global pandemic. Covid-19 has pretty much annihilated everyone’s summer plans so maybe this collection of songs can bring a little magic back into these summer months for everyone or at least help you imagine what adventures you can have next summer.

Quarantine Playlist: Songs to Keep you Sane

This is the playlist that is keeping me sane while locked up in my house.

But in truth, my position is one of privilege; I can stay inside and read books, listen to music, do yoga in my garden, watch movies, paint a portrait, write a novel. While others are out in the world saving lives on the front line of the NHS here in England, or holed up in labs across the globe frantically searching for a cure to the virus. Keep that fact in mind and be grateful that the only thing most of us have to do is just stay inside. Its the perfect time for self-reflection and self-improvement like I explored in my How to Survive Quarantine Blog Post

Stay home, stay safe and I’ll be back soon with my Quarantine Book Recommendations at the weekend.