International Women's Day

In celebration of all the epic Females in the world I’ve made a playlist full of empowering songs by some of the best Female vocalists on the planet. Have a listen and embrace what it means to be a Woman in the 21st century and have a great day!

And if you need a little extra inspiration read Maya Angelou’s poem Phenomenal Woman which was the starting point for Laura Mvula’s song of the same name which this playlist aptly starts with.

If you have any awesome tracks to suggest, then pop them down bellow in the comments section!

Music I’m Loving Right Now Vol IV – Chilled Out Winter Days Playlist

I am such a homebody as soon as sweater weather hits, I literally have to force myself to leave the house to go to work or to pick up groceries to ensure my survival. Socialising, well you can forget about that, I am not leaving the house unless it’s a life or death situation.  So to fill my time I read, watch tv and study…ooh très excitant! And I also spend a weird amount of time curating perfect playlists for the mood I’m in…so here is the Chilled Out Winter Days Playlist

This playlist features some rather eclectic songs and genres…like who’d thought a film soundtrack reworking of a classic Punk Song (Hong Kong Garden I’m looking at you) would fit into a playlist with Korean Hip-Hop and soft indie folk…I think it does…this would be rather embarrassing if it doesn’t…Please tell me it does! 

Also is it just me or does Sofia Coppola have such awesome soundtracks to her movies, Lost in Translation is one of the first films that I watched as a child that made me fall in love with cinema and I have watched it a million times since, and that soundtrack is just so iconic! I’ve also been obsessed with the soundtrack to Goblin which is honestly one of the best Korean Drama’s I’ve ever watched (and believe me I have devoured many!!!) and considering much of the series is set in Winter the soundtrack is perfect for this playlist. And the final soundtrack goodness that found it’s way onto this playlist is Ryuichi Sakamoto’s Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, this classical piece is sublimely beautiful and considering Christmas is in the title I can be my festive song of the playlist.

Music I’m Loving Right Now Vol III – Autumn Days Playlist

Autumn is upon us. And as the days get shorter and colder my listening habits change, gone are the fun and exciting party tunes of summer, it’s all about Indie Rock and a little dash of chilled out Hip-hop.

Recent Music Discoveries From The Playlist


Nell is a Korean Indie-Rock band, they have been around for ages but it was only in early September that I discovered them. My favourite song so far has to be Broken (hence why it’s the opening track on my playlist), I love how deep the song is…I just can’t get enough of it.

The 1975

I’ve known of this band for quite a while and I never actually took the time to check them out. But as I’ve been in an Indie-Rock mood recently I decided to finally listen to a few tracks. As a result, I’ve fallen in love with their Electro-Funk-Indie-Pop-Rock vibe!

This track is super reminiscent of Fame by David Bowie…Was it intentional for a band called The 1975 to release a song with a very similar vibe to a song from that very year!? Hmm

The Solutions 

Another awesome Korean Indie-Rock Band. And this music video is rather aesthetically pleasing too.

Music I’m Loving Right Now Vol I – Dean & DPR Live

Currently, I am listening to these two Korean Artists (DEAN and DPR Live) pretty much non-stop, so I thought I would make a playlist and share them with you as they are really awesome. I don’t really know how to describe their genre so I’m going to say that it’s Chilled Out Electronic R&B and Hip-Hop.

Check out my other Playlist Posts

And if you know of any musicians with a similar vibe to Dean and DPR Live drop me a recommendation in the comments section!!!