Wine stained lips...or is it blood?

For some reason, I like making themed playlists.

I have a dark techno playlist for the apocalypse, an electronic playlist for walking alone through a futuristic metropolis at night, a Bardcore playlist filled with Folk music and the soundtracks from Lord of the Rings and World of Warcraft for anyone wanting to escape the real world for a while and many more, but now I present to you a playlist for Vampires.

Specifically sad Vampires bearing the crippling and crushing weight of immortality in an ephemeral world.

Playlist: Season of The Love Witch

I recently watched The Love Witch on Mubi* and I have become utterly enamoured with the film, especially the aesthetic style from set design, makeup and fashion all the way down to how the dialogue sounds like a pulpy movie from the 60s/70s!

So to honour the beginning of Autumn I thought I’d make a playlist inspired by The Love Witch.

Summer Playlist: Dance Until Sunrise

I’m sharing a playlist of some songs that have been getting me through this past year, dancing in my room on my own and imagining one epic all-night party that lasts until sunrise and fades out into the day. This playlist is far from finished at a measly 6 hrs and 13 mins (hardly an all-nighter!) but I’m sharing it nonetheless

In other news, just had my COVID vaccine, nearly fainted lol so I guess I won’t be dancing until sunrise this weekend but maybe next weekend.